Thursday, 3 April 2014

Spring Bulbs

Today we made some spring bulbs out of fabric and wool.

We first wrapped one end of a small stick (cut branch) with some brown roving. We then put a little scoop of  dried beans in the middle of a square piece of brown fabric and tied it up around our stick with some brown string or yarn.

The stick holds up straight in the pocket filled with roving and beans. This is our bulb.

We wrapped green roving around the rest of our stick. This is our shoot. 

We wrapped the tip of our stick in bright colours (roving) for the flower buds.

We tucked some green roving into the bulb-pocket for some leaves.

Some bright and cheerful spring bulbs!


  1. oh how fun! Your wool felt creations are just lovely. That cowl over on Ginny's website is amazing too. Happy spring crafting--maybe some real bulbs too when all that snow disappears!

  2. Vous avez bien raison! Si les "vrais" restent encore cachés sous la neige, autant créer votre petit printemps chez vous!
