Saturday, 24 March 2012

In the Kitchen: Mushrooms, Granola and a New Cookbook - Dans la cuisine: champignons, granola et un nouveau livre de recettes

My sister invented this very simple yet delicious (and addictive) mushroom spread and I just had to share the recipe.

Ma soeur a inventé une très simple, mais délicieuse recette de tartinade de champignons et je tenais à la partager tellement elle est irrésistible.

 Portobello Mushroom Spread

One or two portobello mushrooms
One leek
1 cup of raw cashews
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Sea salt and pepper

Slice mushrooms and leek into small pieces and cook them with salt and pepper in a pan to gently caramelize them. Transfer to food processor and add the rest of the ingredients. Purée, scrapping the sides several times. I sometimes add a little olive oil if it is difficult to purée and to get the right texture. Serve with toasted bread.

Thank you Meghan!

Tartinade de champignons portobello

1 ou 2 champignons portobellos
1 poireau
1 tasse de noix de cajou crues
Jus d'un demi citron
Sel de mer et poivre

Couper les champignons et le poireau en petits morceaux et cuire dans une poêle avec du sel et du poivre pour légèrement caraméliser. Transférer dans un robot mélangeur et ajouter le reste des ingrédients. Réduire en purée en grattant les rebords du bol du robot à plusieurs reprises. Je rajoute parfois un filet d'huile d'olive si j'ai de la difficulté à obtenir une belle texture lisse. Servir avec du pain grillé.

Merci Meghan!

Another recipe we have also been enjoying is the Coconut Granola from the Spring edition of Rhythm of the Home. It is my new favourite granola recipe!

Une autre recette préférée ces jours-ci, le granola à la noix de coco...  

Our canning from last fall and summer is disappearing... We are finishing our kale, zucchini, basil pesto, jam and we only have one jar of of apple sauce left...

Nos étagères de conserves de l'automne et de l'été se vident. Nous finissons de manger notre kale, nos courgettes, notre pesto de basilic, confitures et il ne nous reste plus qu'un seul pot de compote de pommes.

I was really excited to receive Dreena's new cookbook in the mail last week. I am such a fan of her cookbooks and so happy to try some interesting new recipes.

J'étais très heureuse de recevoir le dernier livre de recette de Dreena par la poste la semaine dernière. J'adore sa cuisine et tous ses livres. Je suis vraiment contente de pouvoir essayer de nouvelles recettes intéressantes.

Let Them Eat Vegan


  1. Hi Sarah, thanks for your note on my blog today! I'm delighted you are so excited about LTEV - I hope it serves you and your family very well!! :)

  2. Yeah! More vegan families!! This is great! I had no idea you were vegan!

    1. Not strictly, but mostly! Vegan food is so healthy and delicious! Glad you share the same enthusiasm Catherine!

  3. Oh I have to say, I love the cupboard doors!!

    1. It is an antique kitchen cupboard from France. I also love it, especially when it is filled with jars of good things!

  4. Well the food looks really good, but I of course have to comment on that peek of yellow log cabin beautifulness... I love it! Is it a table runner? Something like that has been so long on my to make list...

  5. Hello Renee, yes it is a log cabin table runner that I made a while ago. I am really happy with it. The fabric was from a gorgeous bundle called "milk and honey" from Alewives.
